Meet Healy, the wearable holistic, healing device that you can wear on your wrist.
Healy is Quantum’s pride and joy that we are happy to be able to offer in our clinic. Originally, Healy was exclusive to Europe, but we are one of the few health and wellness clinics to be able to offer the device.
Using frequencies, Healy targets pain, discomfort, and promotes general well being right from an app on your phone.
Here’s how it works.
Healy was inspired by scientists Prof. Robert O. Becker and Prof. Björn Nordenström, two expert researchers in their respective fields. Becker, an expert in the field of electrotherapy, and Nordenström, an expert in the field of diagnostic radiology at Karolinska Institute and head of thorax radiology at Stockholm’s Karolinska Clinic, were fascinated in how the body worked on an electric level.
According to Healy’s Website, Becker’s main focus was on the regeneration of organs and on how the body’s own bio-electromagnetic phenomena was used. For Nordenström, he focused on the bioelectric circuit within the body, similar to blood or lymph circulation.
Using the knowledge of these groundbreaking scientists, founder Marcus Schmieke and practitioner Nuno Nina developed Healy, which put the knowledge and benefits of frequency within a simple and effective device. Using these frequencies, Healy is able to direct the cells, which each have specific purposes within the body. Within each cell, there is a valve which opens and closes when it is needed.
Schmieke and Nina discovered that these valves worked based on “voltage potential,” which meant they could be affected by the frequencies in Healy. The voltage potential, i.e., the difference between the voltage inside the cell and the voltage between the cells, is responsible for healthy cell metabolism. This is why Healy can be used for so many different things within your body, and is effective in true, genuine healing.
Want to see Healy for yourself? Then check out Healy in our store using the link below.